Welcome at the website of VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon
(Confidential Person Phone)
Do you have to deal with undesirable behavior at work and are you looking for a listening ear, someone who thinks along with you in possibilities and solutions and perhaps even a support before or during a conversation with your supervisor?
We offer professional support by phone: easy, personal and schedule when you need it!
What is an external confidential advisor?
An external confidential advisor provides initial care for employees who have experienced undesirable behavior or witnessed an integrity violation and need help and advice as a result. Together with the confidant, the employee looks at possible solutions and possible follow-up. A confidant conducts these conversations confidentially and has a neutral role in them.
Why an external confidant?
Happy and healthy employees increase sales and performance. Having an external confidential advisor available contributes to neutrality and confidentiality in the conversation. It also removes any upfront barriers by not having any link to HR or other departments. This keeps everything transparent and contact with the external confidential advisor does not affect the working relationship
What does working with VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon (Confidential Person Phone) look like?
VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon works with subscriptions. These can be supplemented with a trust call credit or you can choose to purchase the calls separately with billing afterwards. For you as an employer, a regular contact person is available within VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon so the lines of communication are short. This person keeps track of the various reports, and with this you discuss at least annually what is going on or has been going on via an annual report.
The employee can choose from several confidential advisors and use the services through a company code. All confidential advisors at VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon are trained and certified with LVV (explanation of this added value can be found on the Hobéon SKO website).

Subscription Overview
Subscription 1 includes:
- Introduction to regular contact person at VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;
- Text for Intranet message and mail introducing VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;
- Daily accessibility and availability;
- Recording situations of inappropriate behavior and integrity violations;
- Anonymized annual report by mail (if nothing reported, report that);
- Anonymous notification to contact person within the organization when there are multiple complaints regarding 1 person or 1 department and/or immediate action is needed.
If a report comes in (at the applicable hourly rate according to the agreement):
- Providing initial care for employees who have been harassed and need help and advice;
- Investigate whether an informal solution is possible;
- Inform the employee of any other resolution options, such as grievance procedures;
- Assisting, if required, if the employee wishes to raise the matter with a grievance committee or management of the organization;
- If necessary, refer to other helping agencies.
Subscription 2 includes:
- Introduction to regular contact person at VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;
- Text for Intranet message and email introducing VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;
- Daily accessibility and availability;
- Recording situations of inappropriate behavior and integrity violations;
- Anonymized annual report by mail (if nothing reported, report that;
- Anonymous notification to contact person within the organisation when there are multiple complaints regarding 1 person or 1 department and/or immediate action is needed;
- Discuss annual report and opinions live or on location (excluding travel time and fees) including recommendations;
- Conducting a telephone trust check after supplying list of staff and phone numbers to randomly test accessibility and familiarity VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;
- Opportunity for OR and HR department to spar about situations that might belong with a confidant;
- A voucher for 5 confidence calls with validity of one year and from the sixth report the loose hourly rate according to the agreement applies.
If a report comes in:
- Providing initial care for employees who have been harassed and need help and advice;
- Investigate whether an informal solution is possible;
- Inform the employee of any other resolution options, such as grievance procedures;
- Assisting, if required, if the employee wishes to raise the matter with a grievance committee or management of the organization;
- If necessary, refer to other helping agencies.
Subscription 3 includes:
- sIntroduction to regular contact person at VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;
- Text for Intranet message and email introducing VertrouwensPersoonTelefoon;
- Daily accessibility and availability;
- Recording situations of inappropriate behavior and integrity violations;
- Anonymized annual report by mail (if nothing reported, report that);
- Anonymous notification to contact person within the organisation when there are multiple complaints regarding 1 person or 1 department and/or immediate action is needed;
- Providing education on dealing with undesirable behavior, think of a presentation and/or thinking along within departments, teams and/or OR online or on location for the duration of 1.5 hours (excluding travel time and costs);
- Discuss annual report and opinions live or on location (excluding travel time and fees) including recommendations;
- Conducting a telephone trust check after supplying list of staff and phone numbers to randomly test accessibility and familiarity Trust Person Phone;
- Opportunity for OR and HR department to spar about situations that might belong with a confidant;
- A voucher for 10 confidence calls with validity of one year and from report 11 the loose hourly rate according to the agreement applies;
- Advising and supporting executives and management in preventive activities, think training, workshops or MT meetings for the duration of 5 hours (excluding travel time and costs);
- Write news release per quarter (total of 4) for intranet to create attention value;
- Deliver or update a plan of action to subsequently produce a document in which the organisation’s values and standards can be found (code of conduct) assuming the duration of 5 hours;
- Create, update or assist with the creation of a risk inventory (RIE) assuming the duration of 5 hours;
- Interim evaluation in June/July on location assuming the duration of 1.5 hours (excluding travel time and costs);
- Interim interview for organisational change, issues, theme, campaign or otherwise as required assuming duration of 1.5 hours (excluding travel time and expenses).
If a report comes in (at the applicable hourly rate according to the agreement):
- Providing initial care for employees who have been harassed and need help and advice;
- Investigate whether an informal solution is possible;
- Inform the employee of any other resolution options, such as grievance procedures;
- Assisting, if required, if the employee wishes to raise the matter with a grievance committee or management of the organization;
- If necessary, refer to other helping agencies.